Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Tyler's Weekly Update

     Hey everyone. Here's my update from weeks 2 and 3. A lot has happened here so far! I am significantly less fond of the food now than when i first got here, that's for sure. I've resorted to eating cereal for half of my meals! It also isn't very nice to the stomach. The orange juice here is fine, anything you have heard otherwise is a lie! It's the food that makes people sick, not the orange juice like everyone blames it on. Poor orange juices was falsely accused. :( I've gotten to the point in the Portuguese language where i'm accidentally throwing in Portuguese words when i'm speaking English, it's weird. The weirdest thing to think about so far is the fact that i just started my 4th week here yesterday, it feels like i have been here for 1 really long week, not 4 fast weeks. We have only had 1 person get their visa and go to the Brazil MTC in our own zone. He wrote a letter and said he hates it. The missionaries there keep to themselves and it feels like a juvenile detention center. The only positive thing he said was that the food tastes like it came directly from heaven. That makes me glad to be here in Provo. It looks like i probably won't get my visa before i get out of here so i will most likely be temporarily reassigned which i am crazy excited for. It's like being allowed to serve two missions. My reassignment will be to somewhere in the US so i'm excited to go anywhere the lord wants me to go(as long as it's not Seattle Washington mission, that's too close to home). Everyone always says that you will get sent to the one place where all the people are the exact opposite as your personality. I used to think that i didn't have an opposite until i got here, i realized my opposite is southern. I'm very different than people from the south! But that would be cool too i guess! My companions are so incredibly different from me it's amazing we can even stand each other let alone get along! One is from North Carolina (He's southern) and the other one is from Mcallen Texas(probably spelt wrong) which is pretty much Mexico. I'm learning a ton about the Gospel of Christ and about his restored church. It's crazy that i've been a member of the LDS church my whole life and I still learn something i never knew each day. I LOVE IT!!!! Well im running out of time but i covered pretty much everything i had to cover! I Will send another update next week(hopefully). Everyone write me! tyler.byron@myldsmail.net

All the missionaries walking around the temple on Sunday

Tyler's District

Brazil Flag

Provo Temple

Tyler's District

One of Tyler's companions

Provo Temple

Things I've sent Tyler

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